Prayer Requests

All Prayer Requests are viewable by the public on this app. Requests that are more confidential may be given to the Prayer Ministry Team. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR NAME IN THE REQUEST PORTION.



  • July 21st Praises and Prayer Requests
    -praise that Cade Janke is recovering well from his accident. Prayers as he continues with therapy.
    -prayers for all the campers at PHCA
    -prayers for Val’s sister, Holly and her two sons as they travel home to Idaho and that everything with their flight will go good
    -praise that Richard Eckman will hopefully be going back home this week after his health issues
    -praise that Marylou will hopefully be going back home this week after her fall
    -continued prayers for Derek’s cousin Auggie who was severely burned
  • A HUGE praise! Kaliyah is home!! (14 weeks in the NICU) We were able to come home Tuesday (7/16). We are busy with appointments and figuring out our new routine. Paxtin loves that she is home; the second he wakes up or gets home from daycare he is asking where she is. We do still have many obstacles to overcome, but so glad we don’t have to be in the hospital for it. Thank you everyone for your prayers and continued prayers.
  • July 14 Praises and Prayer Requests
    -continued prayers for Chris’s dad, Bill. He will be in the hospital August 14 and will have triple bypass surgery August 21.
    -prayers for our country
    -continued prayers for Kayla’s brother, Cade. He is moving to the hospital in Lincoln for therapy
    -praise that Wayne’s son, Riley is home from deployment
    -prayers for Derek’s cousin, Auggie who was severely burned in a work accident
    -praise for Collin’s brother who had a baby. Mom and baby doing well
    -prayers for Annie who has second degree burn on her leg from hot liquid
    -prayers for those headed to camp this week: Mardi, Luke, Regan
    -prayers for Mardi’s uncle Greg as he continues to heal
  • Stacey & I have a friend from Lake Preston, LArae, who has an eye ulcer and 2 bacterial infections in her eye! Please pray for quick healing so no greater damage is done to her cornea !
  • Ongoing Prayer Concerns
    -Marylou Goodfellow
    -Lenny Saathoff: cancer
    -Kim Goodfellow: cancer
    -Kaliyah Denison: currently in NICU
    Jana Duncan: cancer
    -Our Country
    -Dalton: growth and development
    -Lydia Van Stedum: developmental progress with speech and behavior
    -The Lost
    -PCC Body: Smith and Duncan Families, Elders and their families
    -Missions We Support: Diamond Willow Ministries, Option 1, NEAP, SDSU Campus Ministry/CSF, Pioneer Bible Translators (Todd and Angela Owen, Paul McAllister), Morgan Brouk/Black Box International, Haiti School of Hope, Pine Haven Christian Assembly, Estelline Food Pantry